Druid Hills High School

Dekalb County Schools

DHHS Cell Phone, Headphone, & Dress Code Policies


Students will not use any electronic communication device, including but not limited to, pagers, beepers, cellular phones, smart phones, walkie-talkies, and similar devices during instructional time (except for approved instructional purposes) or on school buses. The instructional day includes, but is not limited to, lunch periods, class changes, study halls, and any other structured or non-structured instructional activity that occurs during the normal school day. At all other times, all devices must be turned off (not on vibrate). The devices should not be heard or visible. Students who violate this section will have their device confiscated and returned only to the parent/guardian.

Per the Student Code of Conduct students should also not wear headphones with or without electronic devices during instruction time unless used for approved medical or instructional purposes only.


The instructional day is from 8:00am-3:10pm. Students will not be able to use their phones in the hallway, during transition, nor charge their phones in the classroom.

Students may use their phones or listen to music during breakfast before 8:00am. Students may also use their phones or listen to music during their scheduled lunch time. All cellular devices must be put up at the conclusion of each students lunch period NO EXCEPTIONS.

Parents who need to contact their child should contact the main office at (678) 874-6303. No student should receive a phone call or text during the instructional day.

No student will be allowed to wear any type of hat (baseball, skull-cap, etc) inside the school building or classroom.



Students will not dress inappropriately on school grounds or at school events. ALL students are expected to dress appropriately and to adhere to the student dress code found on page 74 of this handbook and any additional requirements listed in local school regulations.

This will include, but not limited too:

(Females) Midriff tops, Soccer shorts, Low-cut tops, Short dresses, Short skirts, mini-skirts, holes in jeans above the knee, short shirts.

(Males) Saggy Pants (No belt to prevent sagging), holes in jeans above the knee, Marijuana socks,

Number of Offenses Actions of the School

First OffenseVerbal reprimand, contact parent and In-School Suspension (ISS) until end of day or correction of the violation

Second Offense: Required parent conference and two (2) days ISS

Third Offense: Contact parent, up to 10 days ISS, local probation and/or parent attend classes with student in lieu of ISS. Chronic violation of this expectation will result in the charge of #19a – Repeated Violation of School Rules - and a possible referral to an alternative setting upon being found in violation by a preponderance of evidence at the District due process hearing.